ShARC Tales 4

Call for papers open now

16th-17th May 2024, Lecture Theatre 4, The Wave.

Call for papers

Animal studies encompass a broad spectrum of interdisciplinary inquiry, delving into areas such as ethics, politics, literature, sociology, environmental studies, and more. This multifaceted field invites scholars to critically engage with the complex relationships between humans and non-human animals, fostering discussions on ethics, representation, rights, and the intersections of various disciplines.

We welcome submissions that contribute to the diverse landscape of animal studies to participate at the annual conference of the Sheffield Animal Studies Research Centre: ShARC Tales 4. We particularly encourage submissions from early career scholars, including BA, MA, and PhD students. Topics of interest might include but are not limited to:

●  Animals in ethics and politics, and the intersection of these fields
●  Animals in literature, art, and cultural representations

●  Sociology and the role of animals in society, including issues of domestication and captivity

●  Environmental studies exploring the impact of human actions on animal habitats and ecosystems

While we aim to cover a wide array of themes within animal studies, we also encourage submissions specifically exploring the nexus of animals and colonialism in order to have a dedicated panel on this topic. Scholars are invited to critically examine the often overlooked connections between colonial practices, power dynamics, and the treatment of animals within historical and contemporary contexts. Topics in this area might include:

●  The role of animals in colonial projects and their exploitation in establishing and maintaining colonial power structures

●  The impact of colonial legacies on contemporary animal welfare policies, conservation efforts, and treatment of animals
●  The connections and relations between colonialist practices and contemporary treatment of animals

●  Cultural representations of animals in colonial discourses and their implications for constructing identities

Submission Guidelines:

Please submit an anonymised abstract of no more than 300 words, outlining the focus of your presentation, to Include your name and email address in a separate document. Abstract submissions should be received no later than March 4th, 2024.

We anticipate thought-provoking discussions that further our understanding of animal studies and welcome diverse perspectives, including those investigating the interconnected realms of animals and colonialism.